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Albert Einstein and …. Yogi Berra??  Are you kidding?


What can they possibly have in common to warrant a place together in our limited “Hall of Fame” of Smart People?  Well for starters, they -- and many in our gallery below -- were unknown gems who at first flew unnoticed under the radar and were eventually found by a good recruiter (or scout as the case may be). 


Einstein was a school drop out for a while, the only graduate in his class without a job offer, thought about selling life insurance -- yes, life insurance -- and worked in a patent office …. Steve Jobs dropped out of college, was fired from Apple -- before coming back to create iEverything.  And Yogi?  TEN (yes 10!) World Series Championships as a player, more than anybody in history, and three times elected the American League’s Most Valuable Player.  Investor’s Business Daily cited him as one of the most astute former athletes turned businessman ever – now that’s what you call being a winner!  Wouldn’t you want someone like that on your team?


And what about Mr. Spock -- you wouldn't kick him out of your science lab, would you?

Albert Einstein

"The measure of intelligence

is the ability to change."

Albert Einstein

One of our clients once told us they only wanted one thing from us  ...

... in the candidates we presented:  They must only be recruited away from one of the top 4 (widely recognized) tech companies in the country, and they had to be graduates of only, Yale, Stanford, Cal Tech or M.I.T.  – with a 4.0 GPA to boot.  How sad.  NO ONE in our Smart (and wildly successful) People Hall of Fame above would have made the cut, and Messrs. Gates, Allen, Dell, Zuckerberg, & Ellison, all college dropouts, also would have been passed over.


The above are all very excellent schools, and the companies were ones you could probably guess.  But success and intelligence have many more facets beyond the parameters we were given.  Which is why we founded Cognitive Recruiting as it is.  Excellence in sourcing, recruiting, interviewing:  Yes.  But also coupled with an extensive background in assessing and conceptualizing candidates beyond just superior intellectual ability or IQ.  Tailored to the specifics you are looking for, criteria may include drive, ambition, achievement, (winning) attitude, perseverance, motivation, leadership (& potential) and creativity to name a few.


No, we do not rely upon standardized tests (unless requested) as others might.   What we do rely upon is our cumulative background of thousands of individual interviews, assessments and clinical hours -- with undergraduate and graduate students, business leaders, college and pro athletes, learning disabled, gifted LD and ADHD  -- to draw upon in making our educated clinical judgments and recommendations.


By the way, we did find that client a stellar new hire – but had to pass over some other Real Smart People to meet their criteria. 

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